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Vovsoft Keep Software Alive - Keep Programs Running Continuously [Windows][$19→0]-AntiFight Limited

Vovsoft Keep Software Alive - Keep Programs Running [Windows][$19→0]

Vovsoft Keep Software Alive automatically restarts a program after it crashes or shuts down, ensuring that the program runs uninterrupted. Some processes and services are prone to crashes and this tool will restart them automatically. All you need to do is set the "check interval" in seconds and select the application to restart, you can also add command line startup parameters. Minimize application downtime with Vovsoft Keep Software Alive.

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Mouse Axis Locker - Lock the mouse to slide horizontally and vertically in 45 degree direction [Windows][$24.95→0]-Anti-fighting Limited Edition

Mouse Axis Locker - locks the mouse from sliding horizontally and vertically at 45 degrees [Windows][$24.95→0].

Mouse Axis Locker has only four options, Horizontal Locker, Vertical Locker, Left 45 degrees Locker and Right 45 degrees Locker. After running and pressing the key combination of the relevant settings, your mouse will only slide according to your settings. For example, if you press the Horizontal Locker button, your mouse will only move horizontally at the current mouse position, no matter how much you shake your hand, your mouse will always move horizontally.

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