Zoom Player MAX - Video Player [Windows][$29.95→0]
Zoom Player MAX is a video player, but of course it's not only a video player, it supports many video and audio playback formats, it's also a picture player, and audio is of course no problem.
Zoom Player MAX is a video player, but of course it's not only a video player, it supports many video and audio playback formats, it's also a picture player, and audio is of course no problem.
Yunbox is a multimedia player that supports protocols such as AliCloudDisk, QuarkNetDisk, WebDAV, etc. It supports various cloud disk subscription management, plays media files in original quality, supports various HD video formats such as MP4, MKV, AVI, FLV, etc., and supports subtitles of ass, ssa, sup, etc. in various formats, etc.
Zoom Player MAX is a video player, but of course it's not only a video player, it supports many video and audio playback formats, it's also a picture player, and audio is of course no problem.
MKV PiP 播放器是一款视频播放器,可让你以画中画方式播放任何视频。支持多种方式、多种视频格式、多种字幕的视频播放,还支持音轨控制、播放速度控制等。
Popup Player is a Bilibili Station B client player on Apple TV that supports popup display.
GoTV 是一款 M3U 播放器,允许在你的 iPhone 或 iPad 上观看实时电视频道。添加一个 M3U 播放列表的链接,或将其粘贴到应用程序中,即可观看在线电视。
TV+ 是一款能够让你在 Apple TV 上观看电视直播的客户端工具,支持 M3U 播放列表,支持多窗口播放,支持添加关注频道。你需要添加自己的播放列表才能播放,应用自带没有任何订阅播放列表。
SenPlayer 是一款视频播放器,支持 8k 解码,长按最高 8 倍速播放,支持画中画播放,支持 HDR10 和 HLG,支持本地及 WEBDAV,FTP,M3U8 等网络视频,超大超清缩略图,快速精准地查找视频,支持调节缩略图进度等,目前终身内购限免,可在设置中进行解锁。