Total 18 articles
It's really been a long time since there was a Dr.web Spider freebie, so this time we're going to send you a license directly, still 3 months long, and the version is still Security Space, so download the license file and import it directly during the installation process.
真的有好久都没有 Dr.web 大蜘蛛的限免活动了,这次直接送上授权,依旧是 3 个月的时长,版本依旧是 Security Space ,下载授权文件,安装过程中直接导入即可。
我是万万没想到 Dr.Web 也搞圣诞赠送,而且已经开始了十几天了,今天赠送的是 Dr.Web 的授权,时长是随机的,最高能拿一年,我抽到了 2 个月,但填了邮箱后不知道要等多久才能收到,也不知道送的是哪一款产品,先领了吧。
Big Spider likes to run campaigns every once in a while now, and this one is no exception, it continues to be a 3-month Dr.web Security Space license giveaway, so don't miss out if you like Big Spider.
Big Spider likes to run campaigns every once in a while now, and this one is no exception, it continues to be a 3-month Dr.web Security Space license giveaway, so don't miss out if you like Big Spider.
现在很多桌面上的杀毒软件厂商都开始在手机上推出同类的安全产品了,Dr.Web 也一样,他们在移动平台上推出了 Dr.Web Mobile Security,能够帮你在手机上进行杀毒、防御、检查网页安全等。目前官方有活动,能够免费获取 3 个月使用权,喜欢的朋友就不要错过了。
Dr.Web Big Spider I believe that friends who know something about antivirus software will not be unfamiliar with the Russian antivirus software that has been mythologized before.Dr.Web Security Space for Android is an antivirus application dedicated to Android devices, scanning, real-time protection, firewalls and other features a...
Dr.Web Big Spider I believe that friends who know something about antivirus software will not be unfamiliar with the Russian antivirus software that has been mythologized before.Dr.Web Security Space for Android is an antivirus application dedicated to Android devices, scanning, real-time protection, firewalls and other features a...