Free Photoshop Course PHOTOSHOP WEEK 2014
CreativeLive will be offering close to a week's worth of free online Photoshop classes on the use of Photoshop, tips and tricks and much more, with more than 40 lessons and over 60 hours of classes.
CreativeLive will be offering close to a week's worth of free online Photoshop classes on the use of Photoshop, tips and tricks and much more, with more than 40 lessons and over 60 hours of classes. 的免费课程 Photo Restoration with Photoshop Tutorial 主要是教大家如何利用 Photoshop 修复照片,本课程面向的是那些已经基本了解 Photoshop 工具的童鞋,希望能够...
相信不少人都会说自己会用 Photoshop ,但究竟你对 Photoshop 的了解有多少呢?Photoshop Tutorial - Video & Animation Masterclass 这门课程能够让你深入了解一些 Ph... 又有免费课程了,今回是 Photoshop Insider Training: Enhancing Photos ,截止日期是5月10日。 的限时免费课程又来了,这次是 Photoshop Lightroom 4 ,有需要的同学快来看看吧。 是国外很著名的线上教育网站,里面包含了丰富的教学视频资源,订阅后可浏览全部站内视频学习。在15号之前课程 Photoshop Masking and Compositing: Fundamentals 都可以免费浏览。
Adobe is the maker of the famous and easy-to-use Photoshop software, and after launching the CS6 series, it has a big conscience and is giving away the CS2 series of its software for free, so if you're still using a pirated version, take advantage of this opportunity to clean up your act. First to here