PhotoStitcher - Panorama Picture Creator [Windows] [$19.99→0]
With PhotoStitcher you don't need to have much photo editing skills to create panoramas from multiple images, and it's very easy to do.
With PhotoStitcher you don't need to have much photo editing skills to create panoramas from multiple images, and it's very easy to do.
Panographic Photo 是一款可以帮你用多张图拼成全景图的工具,无论是自拍还是风景照,都能转化为引人注目的视觉艺术。你更可以使用随机化按钮,生成各种迷人的全景拼贴效果。
With PhotoStitcher you don't need to have much photo editing skills to create panoramas from multiple images, and it's very easy to do.
With PhotoStitcher you don't need to have much photo editing skills to create panoramas from multiple images, and it's very easy to do.
iFoto Stitcher 是一款智能全景照片制作工具,它可以自动识别你导入的照片,然后将它们合成为全景照片。拥有 4 种照片模式,支持 JPG、JPEG、TIF 和 TIFF 格式的图片,制作完成后还可以让你对照片进行调整修补。
Tiny Planets 是一款可以将多张连续照片或者是全景照片制作成为球状照片的软件,之前都有手机上的应用可以快速制作,现在在 Mac 上也可以实现了,而且操作还挺简单的,也有不少后期编辑功能。
DMD Panorama 是一款能够快速自动的捕捉全景图片并自动拼合的工具,操作起来十分简单,而且拍照的效果还不错。
With PhotoStitcher you don't need to have much photo editing skills to create panoramas from multiple images, and it's very easy to do.