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Mouse Axis Locker - Lock the mouse to slide horizontally and vertically in 45 degree direction [Windows][$24.95→0]-Anti-fighting Limited Edition

Mouse Axis Locker - locks the mouse from sliding horizontally and vertically at 45 degrees [Windows][$24.95→0].

Mouse Axis Locker has only four options, Horizontal Locker, Vertical Locker, Left 45 degrees Locker and Right 45 degrees Locker. After running and pressing the key combination of the relevant settings, your mouse will only slide according to your settings. For example, if you press the Horizontal Locker button, your mouse will only move horizontally at the current mouse position, no matter how much you shake your hand, your mouse will always move horizontally.

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Mouse Axis Locker - Lock the mouse to slide horizontally and vertically in 45 degree direction [Windows][$24.95→0]-Anti-fighting Limited Edition

Mouse Axis Locker - locks the mouse from sliding horizontally and vertically at 45 degrees [Windows][$24.95→0].

Mouse Axis Locker 只有四个设置选项,分别是水平锁定、垂直锁定、左侧45度锁定以及右侧45度锁定。运行后按下相关设置的组合键后,你的鼠标将只能按照你的设置进行滑动,譬如你按下水平锁定按键后,你的鼠标只能在当前鼠标的位置水平移动,不论你怎么手抖,你的鼠标都将会是水平移动。

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