你好,, 提醒
An error occurred while checking level of your Steam account. Please make sure your account has appropriate level to participate in this giveaway.
If your level is participate, check your profile privacy settings, and make sure your profile is public.
AlibAi 是一款由 AI 驱动的惊险谋杀推理游戏,玩家将扮演隐藏在一群 NPC 中的聪明骗子。随着怀疑的升温和不在场证明的考验,你的目标简单而激烈:欺骗、误导和智取 AI 角色,以求生存。随着一天天的展开,你要引导紧张的对话,选择夜间目标,并试图陷害他人,同时隐瞒自己是真凶的身份。开发者表示后续预计在25年2月脱离抢先体验阶段,到时会涨价,现在先趁着免费入库吧。
你好,, 提醒
An error occurred while checking level of your Steam account. Please make sure your account has appropriate level to participate in this giveaway.
If your level is participate, check your profile privacy settings, and make sure your profile is public.
是怎么回事 ?
你的 Steam 等级不够